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abut to touch along a common line or surface; come in contact (often fol. by "on", "upon," or "against"). [1/2 definitions]
a dime a dozen (informal) plentiful and easy to get; common; cheap.
adjacent angles two angles that have a common vertex and one common side.
adjective a word that describes a noun. Some common adjectives are "good," "hungry," "tired," and "big."
adjoining touching at some line or point; having a common wall, border, or the like; contiguous.
affinity a similarity between biological species that suggests a common origin. [1/5 definitions]
agreement the act of coming to a common understanding or of agreeing. [1/4 definitions]
allergy a reaction of your body to some substance that causes the feeling of illness. Common allergies are to animal hair, dust, pollen, and certain foods such as nuts.
ally to associate by some common factor, such as mutual interest or similarity. [1/5 definitions]
analytic philosophy a type of philosophy that uses common language and everyday experiences to analyze concepts.
anomalous differing from the norm, standard, or common type or rule; abnormal. [1/2 definitions]
antimatter in physics, matter having particles comparable to those of common matter, but with opposite electrical charges or magnetic characteristics.
antonomasia the substitution of a proper name in place of a common name, as in calling a treacherous person "Judas". [1/2 definitions]
appellative a common noun. [2/4 definitions]
Arab League a confederation of nations sharing a common Arabic language and culture, formed in 1945 to promote economic, military, and political cooperation among its members, and now grown to a total of twenty-one.
archaic no longer in common use, especially in speech or writing. [1/3 definitions]
assn. abbreviation of "association," a group of people joined together for a common purpose or by a mutual interest.
associate to unite for a common purpose. [1/10 definitions]
association a group of people who join together for a common purpose or interest.
athlete's foot a common foot infection caused by fungi. Athlete's foot makes the skin itch and look scaly.
aurochs an extinct wild ox once common in northern Africa, Europe, and western Asia, and probably an ancestor of domestic cattle. [1/2 definitions]