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adult education a noncredit course of study for adults that offers instruction in a variety of subjects, typically offered by a university or college extension or by a community-based organization.
Arbor Day in the United States, a spring day set aside for the planting of trees in the community.
ashram a religious community or retreat at which people meet for meditation and exercise, esp. yoga. [1/2 definitions]
associate's degree a degree that you get after finishing a program of studies at a community college.
Barack Obama the 44th President of the United States. Before his 2004 election to the U.S. Senate, in which he served until November 2008, Barack Obama worked as an attorney, a community organizer, and an Illinois state senator (1997-2004). He is the first African-American to be elected to the U.S. presidency (b.1961).
biome a major type of global region, such as forest, desert, or grassland, characterized by the community of plants and animals that have adapted to life under the particular soil and climatic conditions that a particular region presents.
Bohemia (often l.c.) a community or neighborhood inhabited by nonconformists, such as artists and intellectuals. [1/2 definitions]
canoness a Christian woman who is a member of a community living by a rule, but who has not taken vows.
cenobite a member of a religious order who lives in a convent, monastery, or other spiritual community.
civic responsibility a particular responsibility or duty deemed an important aspect of being a productive and contributing citizen of a community or country. Ideas about what constitutes one's civic responsibilities vary but often include such things as obeying laws, voting in elections, respecting the rights of others, and performing public service.
Common Market an economic association of major western European countries mainly designed to eliminate tariffs on trade among member nations and establish uniform tariffs on goods from other countries; European Economic Community. [1/2 definitions]
communal of or pertaining to a community or a commune. [2 definitions]
communalize to make (something) the property of the community; convert to public property.
communal taint in India, the perception of a person or political body being strongly tied to or influenced by a particular cultural or religious community and thus not committed to values of secularism and unity.
commune2 a group of people living together as a community, working collectively on land owned in common or by a government. [2/3 definitions]
community center one or more buildings serving a community or neighborhood as a meeting place for social, educational, athletic, or other activities.
community college a small college that serves a community. Most courses of study at a community college take one or two years.
community spread the spread of an infectious disease within a community, especially the spread within a community where there are infected individuals who cannot trace the source of their infection and have not traveled to areas where there are known cases of the disease.
communize to make (property) subject to public or community ownership or control. [1/2 definitions]
congregation the members of a particular religious community, esp. those assembled for a worship service. [1/3 definitions]
Dead Sea Scrolls scrolls dating from about 100 B.C. to 70 A.D. that were found in caves above the Dead Sea, and that contain scriptural and other writings of a Jewish religious community.