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agreement a legally binding contract, compact, or covenant, or the document that represents it. [1/5 definitions]
bind to become compact or cohesive. [1/13 definitions]
button tree a West Indian tree or shrub that bears hard, button-shaped fruit and yields heavy, compact wood.
cassette a compact case for film, or audio or video tape, used to facilitate leading a camera or recorder.
CD1 an abbreviation for compact disk.
CD-ROM an abbreviation for "compact disk, read only memory."
chert a hard compact rock, esp. of quartz, found in limestone.
cocker spaniel a small spaniel characterized by a compact body, short legs, a soft wavy coat, and long drooping ears.
colewort any cabbage with leaves that do not form a compact head, such as kale. [1/2 definitions]
collapse to be constructed so as to become more compact by folding, as chairs or tables. [1/7 definitions]
compact disk a flat, round plastic piece on which music or information is stored. You can play a compact disk on a computer or special machine.
condensation something that has been made shorter or more compact. [1/2 definitions]
condense to make smaller, denser, or more compact; compress; concentrate. [2/5 definitions]
convention an international agreement or compact, usu. one concerned with a particular subject or issue. [1/4 definitions]
cornet a brass wind instrument resembling a compact trumpet. [1/2 definitions]
digital versatile disc an optical storage format for digital data, resembling a compact disc but with greater storage capacity; digital video disc; DVD.
digital video disc an optical storage format for digital data, or the physical disc that the data is stored on, resembling a compact disc but with greater storage capacity; DVD. [1/2 definitions]
field glass (usu. pl.) a compact, portable binocular telescope used esp. outdoors.
firm1 hard and compact; solid. [1/6 definitions]
fold1 to make compact by bending upon itself numerous times. [1/16 definitions]
foldaway folding to a compact size for easy storage when not in use, as a cot, light table, or chair.