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ABC abbreviation of "American Broadcasting Company."
account a company or person who is a client of a business. [1/16 definitions]
account executive in a company such as an advertising agency, a person responsible for managing one or more clients' accounts and often for securing new accounts.
agency a company or group that does helps people do things they need to do for themselves. [1/2 definitions]
agency shop a company, factory, or the like that has such an agreement with its union. [1/2 definitions]
along in the company of other people. [1/2 definitions]
among as a part of; in the company of. [1/5 definitions]
Apple a multinational company that sells consumer electronics, computer software, and online services.
asocial not seeking the company of others; not gregarious, sometimes because lacking social skills. [1/2 definitions]
bailout a providing of financial aid, usu. by a government to a failing company or institution. [1/3 definitions]
battalion a military unit usu. comprising a headquarters company and two or more infantry companies; the basic unit of a division. [1/2 definitions]
bonus a share of profits paid to stockholders of a company. [1/3 definitions]
brain drain (informal) the loss of professional or intellectual persons from one country or company to another that offers better pay, opportunities, or advantages.
brand a kind of product made by one particular company.
British East India Company a British company that carried on trade with the East Indies from 1600 to 1874 under the sanction of a royal government charter.
business an organization that sells goods or services in order to make money. [2/5 definitions]
businessman a man who works in business, especially in a high position at a company.
bylaw one of the rules that regulate the workings of an organization or company.
carmaker an automobile manufacturing company.
carrier a company whose business is to carry or bring things to a particular place. [1/2 definitions]
centurion in ancient Rome, an officer in command of a company of about one hundred men.