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Dictionary Suite
cakewalk an amusement at a carnival or fair, wherein people march to music and compete for the prize of cake. [1/5 definitions]
competition a situation where people compete, such as a contest or game. [1/2 definitions]
competitive having a strong inclination to compete or to succeed in almost every situation. [1/3 definitions]
competitively with strong desire to compete or to win. [1/2 definitions]
contend to compete. [1/3 definitions]
contest to compete or struggle for. [2/5 definitions]
dispute to argue over; compete for. [1/4 definitions]
enter to take part in or compete in. [1/7 definitions]
flyweight a boxer who weighs 112 pounds or less and thus qualifies to compete in the lightest official weight class.
invitational allowing only invited contestants to compete. [1/2 definitions]
jostle to compete vigorously with. [2/7 definitions]
league1 a group of sports teams that compete with one another. [1/2 definitions]
marketplace the social or intellectual arena in which ideas, works, or judgments are considered to compete for acceptance or approval. [1/3 definitions]
outcompete combined form of compete.
qualify in sports, to win a preliminary trial and thus be able to compete in the final competition. [1/8 definitions]
quiz program a radio or television program in which people compete for prizes by answering questions; quiz show.
race1 to run or compete against. [1/7 definitions]
rival to try to do better than; compete with or against. [1/4 definitions]
run to perform or compete in by running. [1/36 definitions]
sport an activity in which people compete against each other. Sports have rules and require certain physical skills.
talent show a program of entertainment that consists of various performers and performing groups who compete to show off their talent. Performances are mostly musical, but there are often comedy and dance routines, acrobatics, and other types of entertainment also.