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access to obtain or reach on a computer. [1/4 definitions]
access time the amount of time needed for a computer to retrieve or store data.
account an arrangement that allows one to gain access to a computer, a computer application, or website when one enters a username and password that one has established. [1/16 definitions]
accumulator a register or electrical circuit for storing numbers and performing one or more arithmetic or logical operations on them, as in a calculator or computer. [1/3 definitions]
algorithm a completely determined and finite procedure for solving a problem, esp. used in relation to mathematics and computer science.
alphanumeric in computer terminology, consisting of both letters and numbers or other nonalphabetic symbols.
analog computer a computer that uses physical quantities such as pressure or electric voltages to represent data. (Cf. digital computer.)
antivirus any software program designed to identify, thwart, and eliminate computer viruses and other malicious software programs. [2 definitions]
app a computer application designed for mobile operating systems and devices, such as cell phones. [1/2 definitions]
Apple a multinational company that sells consumer electronics, computer software, and online services.
application program a computer program designed to be used by, and perform a particular function for, end users, such as a word-processing program, browser, or game.
artificial intelligence an area of computer science that explores the ability of computers to think or have intelligence. Artificial intelligence is concerned with developing computer programs or computers that seem to use reason and make decisions.
audio a particular sound recording, often giving instructions, information, or a sample of a longer recording, made to be heard on a computer or other electronic device. [1/4 definitions]
AWACS an aircraft fitted with a radome and carrying sophisticated radar and computer equipment, used for reconnaissance and for directing ground forces, or a warning system employing such aircraft (acronym for "Airborne Warning and Control System").
backspace to move a typewriter carriage or computer cursor back one or more spaces by pressing a certain key. [1/2 definitions]
back up to create and store a copy of (a computer file), often in a separate location, in case the original is damaged or lost. [1/8 definitions]
bar code a set of dark bars on a light background printed on the labels of goods and mail. A bar code is scanned by a computer that reads information such as price.
BASIC a beginning computer language. BASIC stands for "beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code."
bit3 the smallest unit of information in a computer.
boot to start up a computer by loading the operating system or giving it the first instructions to start. [1/2 definitions]
bootstrap a single computer program that loads and puts into operation a bigger program. [3/5 definitions]