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abstraction an abstract or general idea, concept, or term. [1/4 definitions]
avatar a concrete manifestation of any abstraction, such as an idea or concept; embodiment. [1/2 definitions]
beau ideal the concept or ideal of perfect beauty. [1/2 definitions]
beautiful an idea or aesthetic concept of beauty (usu. prec. by "the"). [1/3 definitions]
conceive to form an idea or concept (usually followed by "of"). [1/4 definitions]
conceptualize to form or make (something) into a concept. [2 definitions]
construct an idea or concept that is made from other, simpler ideas or concepts. [1/2 definitions]
given a fact or concept already known, established, or assumed. [1/6 definitions]
graph a drawn or written symbol for a sound, concept, or language element. [1/5 definitions]
holism the concept that the entirety or wholeness of an entity is other or greater than a summation of its parts.
hypostatize to present or consider (an idea, concept, or the like) as having concrete, objective reality or form.
idea a general impression or meaning of a concept, action or situation. [1/4 definitions]
imago in psychoanalysis, an idealized concept or image of someone, formed in childhood and persisting into adulthood. [1/2 definitions]
incarnate to give concrete form to (a concept, idea, or the like); realize. [1/5 definitions]
line1 a mathematical figure that is represented by a long, straight, unbroken mark with an arrow at each end. The arrows symbolize that the line continues endlessly in both directions. A line, as a mathematical concept, has infinite length but no width. [1/21 definitions]
partition the division of something, such as a territory, enclosure, or concept, into parts. [1/6 definitions]
place space as a concept. [1/21 definitions]
symbol something that represents something else, esp. a material sign or object that stands for a complex or abstract concept. [1/2 definitions]
syn. abbreviation of "synonym," a word or expression accepted as symbolizing or conveying the same concept as another. [1/2 definitions]
synonym a word or expression accepted as symbolizing or conveying the same concept as another. [1/2 definitions]