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civil war (cap.)The U.S. war (1861-1865) between the Northern states (Union) and the Southern states (Confederacy), which was caused by a conflict over the governing rights of individual states and the practice of slavery. [1/2 definitions]
confederate joined or united in a confederacy; allied. [3/4 definitions]
contraband during the American Civil War, a slave under the Confederacy who fled to or was taken into territory occupied by Union forces. Such fugitive slaves were, in a sense, free, in that they were not returned by the Union to Confederate slave owners. Instead, however, they were declared captured enemy war materials, or "contraband of war." Thousands of contrabands worked as paid, though exploited, laborers for the Union. [1/5 definitions]
Creek a member of the strong confederacy of Indian tribes formed from groups previously in Alabama and Georgia, and now mostly in Oklahoma. [1/2 definitions]
Dixie the southern states of the United States, esp. those forming the Confederacy during the Civil War. [1/2 definitions]
Iroquois a member of a large, united group of American Indian peoples of New York State. The Iroquois confederacy is made up of six different Indian nations.
Juneteenth the anniversary and celebration of the day, June 19, 1865, on which the abolition of slavery in the Confederate states was announced in Texas by Union Army forces. Before this date, slaves in Texas, part of the Confederacy, had no way of knowing that they had been freed on January 1, 1863 by the Emancipation Proclamation; thus, June 19th, now a Federal holiday, is celebrated each year in commemoration of the end of slavery in the United States. Technically, all slaves became free in the United States upon the adoption of the 13th Amendment at the end of 1865. The amendment abolished slavery everywhere, including in those slave-owning states that had not joined the Confederacy.
Mahican a member of a tribe or confederacy of North American Indians formerly living in the upper Hudson Valley. [1/2 definitions]
War Between the States the U.S. Civil War, esp. as referred to in the former states of the Confederacy.
Wyandot a North American Indian tribe of the Huron confederacy, originally inhabiting Michigan, Ohio, and Ontario. [1/2 definitions]