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confusion the act of confusing or state of being confused. [1/4 definitions]
disconcert to thwart by confusing or disarranging. [1/2 definitions]
disconcerting disturbing, confusing, or unsettling; disquieting.
doublespeak obscure or confusing language, esp. when intentionally used.
hectic marked by excited activity or rapid, confusing movements; feverishly busy. [1/2 definitions]
hubbub a confusing mix of loud sounds, esp. voices; uproar. [1/2 definitions]
jargon1 technical or specialized words or language, as of a science or profession, sometimes considered to be unnecessary or confusing. [2/3 definitions]
jungle a complex, confusing place; maze. [1/4 definitions]
maze a complicated and usu. intentionally confusing network of pathways between high walls or dense hedges; labyrinth. [2/4 definitions]
mess a confusing, embarrassing, or troublesome state of affairs. [1/11 definitions]
miasma a confusing, difficult, and unhealthy atmosphere or set of circumstances. [1/3 definitions]
mumbo jumbo language or ritual activity that is unintelligible, meaningless, or confusing; hocus-pocus.
poser2 a vexing or confusing question or problem.
psychological warfare the use of propaganda, innuendo, or the like to affect, esp. by confusing or undermining, the thinking, feelings, or morale of an opponent.
sleight of hand skill with one's hands in confusing or deceiving onlookers, as in juggling or magic tricks; legerdemain.
tangle a jumbled, confusing, or complicated condition or situation. [1/7 definitions]
three-ring circus a situation marked by extremely hilarious or confusing activity. [1/2 definitions]
wilderness a large and confusing array or collection. [1/3 definitions]