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abstract formed in the mind or in thought, with little connection to what actually exists or is proven. [1/3 definitions]
anastomosis the surgical connection of two hollow organs or organ parts, such as the ends of a severed intestine, to make one organ. [1/2 definitions]
apropos in connection with the topic just mentioned or under discussion. [2/4 definitions]
ashamed feeling shame or embarrassment in connection with one has or is connected with. [1/3 definitions]
association the connection of one idea, feeling, or emotion with another. [1/4 definitions]
bearing relation or connection (usually followed by "on"). [1/4 definitions]
be done with to have no further relationship or connection with; end.
be to do with (chiefly British) to be about or have a connection with; have to do with.
break a severed connection. [1/26 definitions]
business the buying and selling activities engaged in by a commercial enterprise or enterprises, or the transactions engaged in by customers in connection with an enterprise. [1/9 definitions]
care to feel concern or anxiety in connection with. [1/12 definitions]
career the course or development of one's life, or a phase in one's life, usually in connection with one's occupation. [1/5 definitions]
causality the relationship or connection between cause and effect. [1/3 definitions]
cause and effect of, pertaining to, or arising from a connection between two events in which one causes the other to happen.
connote to imply a connection or association with. [1/2 definitions]
contact a person considered useful or valuable as a means of gaining favor, getting specialized information, or of exerting influence; connection. [1/8 definitions]
cut off of a telephone service or operator, to interrupt (someone) during a call by breaking the connection. [1/8 definitions]
Declaration of Sentiments the document signed in 1848 by 68 women and 32 men in connection with the first women's rights convention.
disaffiliate to break from or end an alliance, association, or connection with. [1/2 definitions]
disavow to deny any knowledge of, responsibility for, or connection with; disclaim. [1/3 definitions]
disclaim to deny (as any knowledge of, responsibility for, or connection with). [1/4 definitions]