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anesthetic a drug that causes numbness in the body or loss of consciousness.
anesthetist a person, usually a doctor or nurse, trained to give gas or drugs that cause lack of sensation or loss of consciousness.
anima the principle of life; inner self; consciousness.
animism the belief that the universe and all of its material objects, beings, and phenomena possess a spirit or consciousness. [1/3 definitions]
awake to bring to a keen consciousness of something. [2/6 definitions]
behaviorism in psychology, the doctrine that observable behavior, rather than mental events or consciousness, gives the only valid evidence for study, and that environmental influences predominate in human psychological development.
blackout loss of consciousness. [1/4 definitions]
black out to lose consciousness; faint.
bring to to cause (someone) to regain consciousness; revive.
catalepsy a condition, often associated with epilepsy and schizophrenia, in which the body becomes numb and the limbs rigid, and the victim loses consciousness or fails to respond to external stimuli.
catharsis in psychotherapy, the bringing of repressed thoughts and feelings to consciousness in order to release emotional tension, or the release itself. [1/3 definitions]
come around to regain consciousness; revive. [1/3 definitions]
come round to regain consciousness; revive. [1/2 definitions]
come to to regain consciousness.
come to life to regain consciousness. [1/3 definitions]
dissociation in a human being, the abnormal separation of a group of mental activities from ordinary consciousness, as in one afflicted with amnesia or multiple personalities. [1/2 definitions]
dredge1 to bring hidden things or ideas to the surface or into consciousness. [1/7 definitions]
embarrassed experiencing, expressing, or marked by feelings of shame, painful self-consciousness, or unease. [1/2 definitions]
embarrassing causing or accompanied by feelings of shame, painful self-consciousness, or unease.
faint exhausted, dizzy, or on the brink of losing consciousness. [3/5 definitions]
feeling a general consciousness, perception, or sensation more or less independent of intellectual or physical activity. [1/10 definitions]