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abide to continue. [1/3 definitions]
al fine to the finish (used as a musical direction to continue to the end of a repeated section).
bear with to continue with despite aggravations; be patient with; be tolerant of.
belabor to continue excessive efforts on or excessive discussion of. [1/2 definitions]
call back to continue a telephone conversation with (someone) at a later time, or to return someone's telephone call.
carry to extend further; continue. [1/16 definitions]
carry on to continue to do or go on as before. [1/2 definitions]
cinder a small piece of partly burned wood or coal that can continue to burn but without a flame.
come through to continue to live or exist.
cont.1 abbreviation of "continue" or "continued."
do away with to get rid of or stop; no longer continue. [1/2 definitions]
egg on to encourage or pressure someone to engage in or continue in some action, esp. one that is risky or potentially harmful to oneself or others.
encore a request by an audience that a performance continue. [1/3 definitions]
endure to continue through time; last. [1/2 definitions]
eternize to make everlasting; cause to continue forever. [1/2 definitions]
extend to last or continue [1/8 definitions]
fail of a business, to become unable to make enough money to continue operating and to pay off debts; become insolvent. [1/10 definitions]
fight to pursue or continue (a fight). [1/9 definitions]
flow a series of things, ideas, or events that continue in a steady stream. [1/4 definitions]
follow up to continue to monitor (patients, test subjects, or the like) to see if there are any changes or problems. [1/3 definitions]
freewheel a device in the rear hub of a bicycle that lets the rear wheel continue turning after the pedals are stopped. [3/4 definitions]