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alternation repeated interchange or succession; continuous rotation. [1/2 definitions]
Arctic Circle an imaginary line drawn around the earth parallel to the equator which marks the boundary of the Arctic. North of this line there are periods of continuous night in the winter and continuous day in the summer.
babble to make a soft, continuous sound, as of murmuring. [2/8 definitions]
belt a continuous band of rubber or other material used to drive a machine or carry materials. [1/2 definitions]
Br.1 abbreviation of "Bridge," a structure that extends a road, path, or other route over an obstacle such as a river or railway, to allow for continuous travel (used as part of a proper name).
bridge1 a structure that extends a road, path, or other route over an obstacle such as a river or railway, to allow for continuous travel. [1/6 definitions]
brush1 a continuous act or single motion of using a brush. [1/8 definitions]
bulimia abnormally continuous and extreme hunger. [1/2 definitions]
ceaseless continuous and unending.
clamor a persistent or continuous noise. [1/6 definitions]
clean and jerk a weightlifting movement in which the barbell is lifted from the floor and, in one continuous movement, raised over the head with the arms fully extended upward.
closed circuit an electrical circuit that provides for a continuous path for current. [1/2 definitions]
contiguity a continuous mass or series of connecting things. [1/2 definitions]
continuity the quality or state of being continuous. [1/2 definitions]
continuo a continuous bass accompaniment on a keyboard instrument, used esp. in baroque music.
continuum a continuous extent or whole, the parts of which cannot be separately perceived. [1/2 definitions]
conveyor a mechanical device, such as a continuous chain or belt, used to convey materials from one place to another. [1/2 definitions]
conveyor belt a machine with a continuous moving part that carries things from one place to another.
creep to grow along a surface or in a continuous, unbranched line, as a vine or the roots of certain plants. [1/12 definitions]
discontinuous interrupted or intermittent; not continuous.
drain a continuous and gradual depletion. [2/12 definitions]