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ambulance chaser (informal) a lawyer who persistently seeks accident victims as clients and tries to convince them to sue for damages.
a tough nut to crack a person who is hard to understand, know well, or convince. [1/2 definitions]
blandish to convince or coax with flattery; cajole. [2 definitions]
bring around to persuade (one) to accept a certain line of thought; convince. [1/2 definitions]
deprogram to convince of the error of recently acquired beliefs, esp. those of a religious cult, by coercive means such as kidnapping, deprivation of sleep, and long interrogation and argumentation.
get to convince; persuade. [1/10 definitions]
interest to convince to take part in; tempt. [1/8 definitions]
persuade to cause (another) to believe something; convince. [1/2 definitions]
persuasion the ability to convince someone to believe something or do something. [1/2 definitions]
reason to convince by using reason. [1/9 definitions]
reconvince combined form of convince.
satisfy to drive away feelings of doubt; convince. [1/3 definitions]
seduce to convince or beguile into having sexual relations. [1/3 definitions]
sell to convince or persuade to buy. [1/9 definitions]
shill an accomplice of a swindler or vendor, who feigns an enthusiastic interest in the goods or deal being offered in order to convince unsuspecting customers to buy or enter into the deal. [1/4 definitions]
talk to bring or persuade; convince (usually followed by "into"). [1/7 definitions]
talk down to convince (someone) to lower the price of something. [1/3 definitions]
talk into to convince someone to do something.
talk out of to convince someone not to do something.
win over to get (someone) on one's side; to convince (someone) to give support to one's plan or idea.