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armature a coil-wrapped iron core that rotates in a magnetic field to induce electrical current in a generator, or that produces motion in an electrical motor when current is passed through it. [2/4 definitions]
boil down to of a thing, to have (something) as its central cause, fundamental essence, or core significance. [1/3 definitions]
bone marrow the the soft fatty tissue at the core of most bones, where many types of blood cells form and mature before entering the blood stream.
Broadway a major north-south New York City street, part of which is the core of the theater district in midtown. [1/2 definitions]
cadre in the military, a core group of experienced personnel who can set up and train a new unit. [1/2 definitions]
come down to of a thing, to have (something) as its central cause, fundamental essence, or core significance. [1/2 definitions]
control rod a rod or bar in a nuclear reactor that contains a neutron-absorbing material, and that is lowered into or raised from the core to control the fission chain reaction.
core the center part of any round, solid object. The center of the earth is called its core. [2/4 definitions]
corncob the woody core that bears the kernels in an ear of corn. [1/2 definitions]
electromagnet an iron or steel core with wire wound around it. It becomes magnetic when an electric current is passed through the wire.
essential of or pertaining to the essence or core; not reducible. [1/4 definitions]
essentially at the core; when the most important part is considered.
heart the core. [1/8 definitions]
kernel the most basic part of something; the heart of the matter; core. [1/3 definitions]
mantle the layer of the earth that lies between the crust and the core. The crust is the top layer of the earth--the layer we live on. The core is the center of our earth. The mantle is very thick and makes up most of the entire planet. [1/2 definitions]
medulla bone marrow, or a similar substance forming the inner core of other anatomical organs such as the adrenal glands or the kidneys. [1/3 definitions]
meltdown an accident in a nuclear reactor in which the radioactive core melts because of insufficient cooling, leading to the escape of radiation.
one's bread and butter the core thing that provides a person or group their basic means of support.
pencil an implement for writing, drawing, or marking that consists of a slender core of graphite, carbon, crayon, or the like, usu. enclosed in or held by a cylinder of wood, plastic, or metal. [1/4 definitions]
root1 the basis; core; origin. [1/11 definitions]
stele the central core of vascular tissue in plant stems and roots. [1/3 definitions]