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autopsy a superficial and surgical examination of a corpse, usu. to find the cause of death. [1/2 definitions]
bier a frame or stand on which a corpse, sometimes in a coffin, is laid prior to burial.
body a dead body of a human being; corpse. [1/7 definitions]
body bag a zippered bag, usu. rubber, used to transport a human corpse.
cadaverous of or resembling a corpse; pale and thin or emaciated. [1/2 definitions]
cremate to burn to ashes (esp. a human corpse in a funeral).
embalm to treat (a corpse) with preservatives before burial. [1/3 definitions]
grave1 any final resting place of a corpse. [1/4 definitions]
lie in state of a corpse, to be exhibited in public prior to burial so that others may pay their respects.
mummy a corpse preserved by embalming, esp. one embalmed and wrapped by or in the manner of the ancient Egyptians.
remains a dead body; corpse. [1/3 definitions]
shroud a wrap for a corpse; winding sheet. [2/6 definitions]
stiff (slang) a corpse. [1/13 definitions]
vampire a legendary being, often said to be a revived corpse, that preys on people in order to suck out their blood. [1/3 definitions]
winding sheet a cloth in which a corpse is wrapped for burial; shroud.
zombie a spell or supernatural force that, according to voodoo belief and legend, can enter a corpse, return life to it, and then control its actions. [3/5 definitions]