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Dictionary Suite
buckaroo a man who tends cattle, often on horseback; cowboy.
country music a type of popular music, based on the traditional music of the rural South and the cowboy music of the West. Country music often express sad personal emotions.
cowhand a person who works on a cattle ranch; cowboy or cowgirl.
cowman a man who tends cattle; cowboy. [1/2 definitions]
cowpoke (informal) a person who tends cattle; cowboy.
cowpuncher (informal) a cowboy.
gaucho a South American cowboy, esp. one from Argentina.
rodeo a show or contest of cowboy skills such as riding wild horses or roping cattle.
ten-gallon hat a cowboy hat with a very wide brim and tall crown, usu. made of felt.
vaquero in the southwestern United States, a man who herds cattle; cowboy.