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anticrack combined form of crack.
aperture a narrow opening, such as a hole, crack, gap, or slit. [1/2 definitions]
break to crack, destroy, or make inoperative or unusable. [1/26 definitions]
chap1 to crack, dry, or make red.
chasm a deep crack in the earth's surface.
chink1 a narrow crack.
cracker a cylindrical cardboard party favor that makes a loud crack when opened and contains treats or favors. [1/4 definitions]
cranny a small opening in a wall, rock, or other solid mass; crack or crevice.
craze a fine crack or network of cracks, as in a glazed surface. [1/6 definitions]
crevasse a deep cleft or crack, esp. in a glacier or in the earth's surface. [2 definitions]
crevice a narrow opening, as in vertical rock or a wall; crack; fissure.
fault a break in part of the earth's crust that is like a crack in the surface of the earth. A fault can be small or it can be hundreds of miles long. Because of the break between the surfaces, the surfaces can move and become uneven with each other. [1/4 definitions]
flaw1 a crack or break. [1/3 definitions]
fracture a break or crack. [2 definitions]
gulf a deep crack in the earth's surface. [1/3 definitions]
hairline very thin or fine, as a crack or mark. [1/3 definitions]
joint in geology, a crack or fracture along which two large masses of rock touch. [1/13 definitions]
leak an opening or crack in a thing that lets something go through it. [2 definitions]
lode a deposit of a mineral that fills a crack in an area of rock.
pip4 of a baby bird in the process of hatching, to crack or break open (the eggshell). [1/3 definitions]
rift a crack or fissure made by breaking, splitting, or separating. [1/4 definitions]