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Dictionary Suite
air bag a bag in the front of some cars that blows up with air instantly in a crash to stop the passengers from being thrown forward.
broadside to collide with, as in an automobile crash. [1/9 definitions]
collision an act or instance of coming together with force; crash.
come down of an airplane or other aircraft, to crash or make an emergency landing. [1/9 definitions]
crack-up a collision of a vehicle; crash. [1/2 definitions]
ditch a crash landing by an airplane on water. [3/7 definitions]
drum kit a set of percussion instruments arranged for convenient playing by a drummer in a band, the basic set of which usu. includes a bass drum, a tom-tom, a snare drum, a high-hat, and a crash cymbal, also called a drum set.
impact the coming together of objects with great force; crash; collision [1/5 definitions]
jar2 to crash into or bump so as to cause movement; jolt. [3/4 definitions]
kamikaze in the Japanese armed forces during World War II, a pilot whose mission was to crash his airplane against the target as a suicide bomb.
knock to bump or crash. [1/6 definitions]
seat belt a strap or belt that holds a person in the seat of a car, airplane, or other vehicle. Seat belts protect people against a sudden stop or crash.
smash to crash or slam with great force (usu. fol. by against, into, through, or the like). [1/13 definitions]