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Dictionary Suite
around the bend (informal) crazy; insane.
barmy (chiefly British; informal) a bit crazy; nuts. [1/2 definitions]
batty (slang) eccentric or crazy.
berserk deranged or crazy. [1/2 definitions]
buggy2 (informal) crazy. [1/2 definitions]
cuckoo a bird of Europe and America with a slim body and a long tail. A cuckoo's color can range from gray to brown. Some cuckoos have a call that sounds like their name. [2 definitions]
daffy (informal) silly, foolish, crazy, or weak-minded in mood or temperament.
dotty1 (informal) eccentric, weak-minded, or a little crazy; daft. [1/4 definitions]
fruitcake (slang) a crazy or eccentric person. [1/2 definitions]
gaga (informal) crazy or ecstatic.
haywire (informal) acting in an unpredictable or disordered manner; crazy. [1/3 definitions]
insane having a disease of the mind; crazy; mad. [1/2 definitions]
kook (slang) a person considered to be strange or crazy.
loco (slang) crazy; mad; insane. [1/3 definitions]
loony insane; crazy; lunatic. [1/3 definitions]
mad crazy; insane. [1/6 definitions]
mad as a hatter wildly impulsive or completely crazy.
mental (informal) crazy; insane. [1/4 definitions]
meshuga (informal) crazy; insane.
nut (slang) a foolish or crazy person. [1/4 definitions]
nut case (slang) one who is unbalanced or crazy.