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allegorize to create or use allegories. [1/3 definitions]
animated cartoon a motion picture made by photographing a sequence of drawings showing stages of movement, so as to create the illusion of motion when the images are projected in quick succession.
animator a person who creates or helps to create animated cartoons.
art a fine skill that allows one to create a thing of excellence, beauty, or deep meaning that has resulted from natural ability, practice, or study. [1/4 definitions]
assure to say to with force or conviction in order to create trust or give confidence. [1/3 definitions]
author to be the author of; create; make. [1/3 definitions]
back up to create and store a copy of (a computer file), often in a separate location, in case the original is damaged or lost. [1/8 definitions]
bead to use beads to create decorative products. [1/8 definitions]
beading the activity of using beads to create decorative products. [1/4 definitions]
Berlin Wall a barrier first erected in 1961 that separated West Berlin from East Berlin, eventually fortified and extended to create a border between West Germany and East Germany, and ultimately opened to unrestricted transit on November 9, 1989, prior to being dismantled.
bioreactor a device in which living organisms or biological reactions are used to create a product or break down waste.
biotech abbreviation of "biotechnology"; the use of living organisms, esp. cells and bacteria, to create useful products.
biotechnology the use of living organisms, esp. cells and bacteria, to create useful products.
bore1 to create (an opening such as a tunnel) by cutting through. [2/7 definitions]
braid to create by such interweaving. [1/5 definitions]
broach to create or enlarge (a hole), esp. in order to draw out liquid, as from a cask. [1/7 definitions]
bubble to create or emit bubbles. [1/7 definitions]
bud1 to develop or create buds. [1/8 definitions]
build to make by joining together different parts and materials; construct. [3/5 definitions]
bulb a device made of rounded glass used to create electric light. [1/3 definitions]
caramelize to cook (food containing natural sugar) to the point wherein liquids and natural sugar are released and create a sweet and nutty-tasting brown syrup. [1/2 definitions]