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animal a living creature that is generally distinguished from plants by its cellular structure and by the ability to move voluntarily. [2/5 definitions]
animalcule a tiny or microscopic creature.
behemoth any enormous or powerful creature or thing. [1/2 definitions]
being any living creature, or something resembling a living creature, such as a spirit or ghost. [1/3 definitions]
Caliban a grotesque, brutish, half-human creature in the play The Tempest by William Shakespeare.
critter (informal) a living creature, especially an animal that lives in the wild.
elf an imaginary, small, and often mischievous humanlike creature that has magical powers, or a person, usu. a child, resembling this creature in size and sprightliness.
fairy an imaginary tiny creature in human form, thought to possess supernatural powers that can change the course of human affairs. [1/2 definitions]
genotype the genetic makeup of a living creature. (Cf. phenotype.) [1/2 definitions]
goblin in folklore and fairy tales, a small, ugly creature that does evil or mischief to humans.
humanoid a humanlike creature or robot. [1/2 definitions]
Loch Ness monster an unidentified creature or family of plesiosaur-like creatures said to live in Loch Ness, a lake near the city of Inverness in northern Scotland.
Martian in science fiction, a creature from the planet Mars. [1/2 definitions]
mermaid a mythical sea creature with the head and upper body of a woman and the lower body and tail of a fish.
merman a mythical sea creature with the head and upper body of a man and the lower body and tail of a fish.
missing link a certain creature, not yet discovered, that would represent the supposed evolutionary stage between ape and man. [1/2 definitions]
monster an imaginary or mythical creature, often with features of two different animals or of animals and humans. [2/6 definitions]
mossback an old aquatic creature, such as a turtle, with a mosslike growth of algae on the back. [1/2 definitions]
Noah according to the Old Testament, the Hebrew patriarch who was commanded by God to build an ark on which to board his family and two of every kind of creature to save them from the great flood that was to engulf the world.
physiognomy the facial or surface features of a person or other living creature. [1/2 definitions]
pixy a playful or mischievous creature of folklore, similar to a fairy or elf. [1/2 definitions]