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accessory in law, someone who helps a criminal before or after a crime, but does not commit the crime. [1/4 definitions]
aggravated of a crime, considered more serious or malicious than is typical for the type of crime, especially if the criminal act involves the use of a gun. [1/2 definitions]
alibi a way of defending oneself against criminal charges by showing that one was not at the scene of the crime when it happened. [1/2 definitions]
cheat in law, the act of obtaining someone's property by dishonest or criminal means. [1/11 definitions]
civil law the section of law that deals with the rights of the citizens, as distinct from laws that regulate criminal acts, military personnel, or international trade. [1/3 definitions]
clamp down (informal) to establish or increase controls or penalties with respect to criminal or disapproved of behaviors. [1/2 definitions]
commutation a substitution of a milder for a more severe criminal sentence. [1/3 definitions]
criminality the condition or fact of being criminal.
criminal lawyer a lawyer who specialized in representing clients accused of criminal offenses.
criminate to condemn or censure as criminal. [1/3 definitions]
criminology the scientific study of crime, criminal behavior, and criminal law systems.
D.A. abbreviation of "District Attorney," the government prosecutor of criminal cases for a specified judicial district.
decriminalize to make legal; eliminate criminal penalties for.
deportation the legal expulsion from a country of an undesirable person, esp. an illegal alien or criminal.
district attorney the government prosecutor of criminal cases for a specified judicial district.
dock3 an enclosure for the defendant in a criminal trial.
dragnet an organized plan or network for finding or apprehending someone, esp. a criminal. [1/2 definitions]
electric chair a chair through which high voltages of electricity are passed in order to execute a convicted criminal. [1/2 definitions]
FBI abbreviation of "Federal Bureau of Investigation," a U.S. agency of the Justice Department responsible for investigating violations of federal criminal law.
Federal Bureau of Investigation a U.S. agency of the Justice Department responsible for investigating violations of federal criminal law.
gang1 any group of people, such as those who associate for social or criminal purposes. [1/3 definitions]