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agrobiology the applied science of plant growth and nutrition aimed at improving soil conditions and crop yield.
agronomy the study and application of scientific methods of soil management and field crop production; scientific agriculture.
amaranth a plant having coarse leaves and bearing purple, green, or red clusters of small flowers, often grown as a food crop. [1/3 definitions]
banana republic (informal) a small, often politically unstable Central American country with a one-crop economy that is controlled by foreign capital (used as a derogatory label).
basset2 in geology, to protrude or emerge, as from a level, background, or buried part; crop out. [1/2 definitions]
cash crop a crop grown for sale to others rather than for personal use.
chrysanthemum a type of plant grown for its flowers that bloom in autumn. Some species are grown for a compound that kills insects on crop plants. [1/2 definitions]
cotton a crop consisting of cotton plants. [1/6 definitions]
cover crop a quick-growing crop planted to prevent soil erosion or soil depletion.
craw the pouch in the gullet of a bird or insect in which food is held and may be partially digested; crop. [1/2 definitions]
crop plants grown on a farm. [2/7 definitions]
fruitage a fruit crop or fruits collectively. [1/3 definitions]
harvest to gather in a crop. [1/3 definitions]
no-till farming a method of farming that prepares the soil for planting without plowing or otherwise breaking into and turning over the soil forcefully with machinery. In no-till farming, residue of the previous crop remains on top of the soil, and the soil is cut into only slightly for seeding.
overharvested gathered from excessively so that the potential for future growth of a desired crop or natural product is severely reduced. [1/2 definitions]
patch a fairly small piece of land on which a particular crop grows. [1/6 definitions]
reap to bring in a crop of grain; harvest. [1/3 definitions]
root crop a crop, such as potatoes, beets, or carrots, that is grown for its edible roots.
rotation of crops a system planting different crops in a fixed, repeated order in the same field so that each successive crop restores soil nutrients that were absorbed by the previous one.
scarecrow a large figure of a human being, usu. made from stuffed clothes and set up in a crop field to scare birds away. [1/2 definitions]
sharecrop to work (farmland) as a sharecropper, giving a portion of the crop to the landowner.