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constrictor any of various snakes that coil around and crush their prey. [1/3 definitions]
crumble to break or crush into bits or crumbs. [1/2 definitions]
crumple to press or crush and cause wrinkles. [1/2 definitions]
crunch to chew with a crackling noise; crush by biting. [1/3 definitions]
crushable combined form of crush.
grind to crush into very small pieces or a powder. [3/2 definitions]
juggernaut any large, powerful force, group, or object that can overcome or crush anything around it. [1/2 definitions]
kibble to grind or crush into coarse pieces. [1/2 definitions]
mash to crush or smash. [1/4 definitions]
mill1 to grind or crush in a mill. [1/5 definitions]
overbear to bring down, press upon, or crush using force or weight. [1/3 definitions]
powder to crush or grind into a powder. [1/5 definitions]
ram a tool or part of a machine used to drive, hammer, or crush something. [1/5 definitions]
roller a tool with a part shaped like a tube. A roller is used to spread paint on a surface, make a surface smooth, or crush something.
scrunch to crush together, crumple, or crunch. [1/6 definitions]
squash1 to press, beat, or crush into a flat mass. [2/4 definitions]
squeeze to put pressure on or crush so as to pull something from. [1/7 definitions]
squelch to crush or squash, by or as if by stepping on. [1/7 definitions]
stamp to put out, crush, or stop by or as if by moving the foot in such a manner (usually followed by "out"). [1/10 definitions]
steamroller a large truck with a huge roller that is used to smooth and crush the material used in building roads.
stifle to end or quell by force; crush. [1/5 definitions]