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Dictionary Suite
anticult combined form of cult.
bacchanal one who worships the ancient Roman wine god Bacchus or takes part in a celebration held by his cult. [2 definitions]
cult the members of a cult. [1/4 definitions]
cultus a cult, esp. a religious one.
deprogram to convince of the error of recently acquired beliefs, esp. those of a religious cult, by coercive means such as kidnapping, deprivation of sleep, and long interrogation and argumentation.
Dionysus in Greek mythology, the god of wine and of an orgiastic religious cult; Bacchus.
guru in a cult or religious movement, a spiritual guide or leader, sometimes believed to be divine. [1/4 definitions]
macumba a Brazilian religious cult that combines sorcery and the use of fetishes with elements of Christianity.
python (cap.) in Greek mythology, the huge serpent that Apollo killed before founding his cult at Delphi. [1/3 definitions]
Rastafarian a member of a black Jamaican religious cult that regards the late emperor Haile Selassie as a messiah and Africa as the Promised Land to which all blacks will ultimately return. [2 definitions]
Satanism the worship of Satan, esp. in a cult whose rituals distort and mock Christian worship.
subcult combined form of cult.
voodoo a religious cult or practice, primarily in the West Indies, that is based on the belief in the power of spells and charms. [1/5 definitions]