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Dictionary Suite
appealing attracting interest, curiosity, or desire.
curio any object, such as a piece of art, that is desired or significant only as a curiosity or novelty.
incurious feeling or showing no curiosity or interest.
interest curiosity about, involvement in, or concern about something. [3/7 definitions]
interested having or showing curiosity, concern, or attention.
interesting causing attention to or concern about; provoking interest or curiosity.
localism a regional custom, curiosity, or manner of speech. [1/2 definitions]
mystery an obscure matter that arouses curiosity and eludes understanding, often a religious or spiritual truth. [1/4 definitions]
Pandora the first woman, according to Greek mythology. Pandora opened the lid of a box out of curiosity and let all the evils fly out into the world.
prey on one's mind to keep arising or repeating in one's thoughts, often due to worry, agitation, or curiosity.
pry1 to look closely and with curiosity, often with furtiveness; peer. [1/2 definitions]
rubberneck to stare with curiosity, as by stretching up and straining forward. [1/3 definitions]
sensationalism language or subject matter intended to arouse amazement, curiosity, or morbid fascination. [1/2 definitions]
slum to visit a slum or any place considered lower class, esp. for curiosity. [1/2 definitions]
tease to arouse curiosity or desire in without satisfying; tantalize. [1/9 definitions]
whet to make keener, as appetite or curiosity; stimulate. [1/5 definitions]
yes used as a query or expression of curiosity. [1/6 definitions]