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bimetallism the use of two metals, usu. gold and silver, at fixed values in relation to each other, as the monetary standard of currency and value. [1/2 definitions]
bullion silver or gold considered simply as a quantity of metal rather than as currency or as a product such as jewelry. [1/2 definitions]
catch phrase a phrase that gains wide public currency, esp. by being frequently repeated.
cent a unit of money used in many countries, including the United States and Canada. A cent is equal to a hundredth part of the standard national currency.
change of money, to break down into smaller denominations, or convert into foreign currency. [1/18 definitions]
commodity dollar a proposed unit of currency whose value would vary according to an official index of key commodity prices.
conversion the act of exchanging one type of currency for another of equal value. [1/6 definitions]
convert to change (money) into foreign currency of equal value. [1/5 definitions]
crash1 to decline suddenly or fall, as a financial market or currency. [1/16 definitions]
date1 to lose currency or fashion. [1/11 definitions]
deflate to reduce the value of (currency) or lower the level of (prices). [1/4 definitions]
deflation a relatively sharp drop in prices, resulting from a reduction in available currency and credit. [1/2 definitions]
devaluate to set a lower value or exchange rate on (currency). [1/2 definitions]
devalue to lower the legal value of (a currency). [1/2 definitions]
emit to issue formally or officially, as a decree or currency. [1/3 definitions]
e pluribus unum (Latin) from the many, one; used as the motto of the United States and printed on its currency.
euro the sole currency unit of nineteen countries in the European Union and the currency used in a number of European countries that are not members of the Union. The euro was introduced in 1999, and, in countries that have adopted it, it replaces the type of money that was formerly used.
European Union an economic and political union of a large number of democratic countries in Europe formed in 1993 from the former European Economic Community. Additional nations have joined since 1993, and one, the United Kingdom, had been a member originally but removed itself in 2020. The European Union currently consists of the member states Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden. Many of the countries share a common currency, the Euro.
exchange the price of one currency in terms of another, yielding a ratio at which money of one country can be exchanged for money of another country; exchange rate. [1/7 definitions]
exchange rate the price of one currency in terms of another, yielding a ratio at which money of one country can be exchanged for money of another country.
Federal Reserve note U.S. paper currency in various denominations issued by a Federal Reserve Bank.