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Dictionary Suite
astigmatism an irregularity in the curvature of a lens, including that of the eye, that prevents rays of light from meeting in a single focal point, resulting in an indistinct or distorted image. [1/2 definitions]
bowleg an outward curving of the leg, most pronounced at the knee area, or a leg having such a curvature.
concavo-convex pertaining to or designating a lens with a greater degree of curvature on its concave side than on its convex side. [1/2 definitions]
convexo-concave in optics, pertaining to a lens in which the convex side has a greater curvature than the concave side. (Cf. concavo-convex.) [1/2 definitions]
geodesy the science concerned with measuring the size, shape, area, and curvature of the entire earth or of large parts of it and with locating specific geographical points.
ground wave a radio wave traveling on or near the earth's surface and affected by its curvature, atmosphere, and the like.
lordosis the normal inward curvature of the cervical and lumbar regions of the spine. [2/3 definitions]
swayback an excessive or abnormal inward or downward curvature of the spine, as in some horses. [2 definitions]