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Dictionary Suite
consign to place in the care or custody of another; entrust. [1/4 definitions]
custodian someone entrusted with the care or custody of something. [1/2 definitions]
detainee one who is held in police custody, usu. for questioning or political reasons, without formal charges being filed.
detention home a place where juvenile offenders are held in custody, esp. while awaiting a court's disposition of their cases.
domestic relations court in some U.S. states, a court with jurisdiction limited to matters involving a family or household, esp. disputes involving the custody, support, and welfare of children; family court.
impound to confiscate and retain (property or documentary evidence) in legal custody. [1/3 definitions]
keeping care or custody. [1/2 definitions]
on bail temporarily released from custody after bail is given.
pinch (informal) to take into police custody; arrest. [1/7 definitions]
remand in law, to transfer (a prisoner) to the custody of another court or other official agency or institution to await further proceedings. [2/6 definitions]
safekeeping protective custody. [1/2 definitions]
sequestrate to hold (property) in custody; sequester. [1/2 definitions]
trust the charge, custody, or care of a person or thing. [1/14 definitions]