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abuse a corrupt procedure or custom. [1/7 definitions]
Atticism a style, idiom, mannerism, custom, or the like, that is characteristic of Attic Greek. [1/2 definitions]
austerity (usu. pl.) an austere or ascetic habit, custom, or act. [1/3 definitions]
barbarism a crude or brutal act, custom, or characteristic. [1/3 definitions]
bespoke made according to the wishes or needs of a particular customer or user; custom-made. [2 definitions]
Britishism any quality, custom, or manner characteristic of the British people. [1/2 definitions]
Canadianism a custom, quality, or word use that originates in Canada or is peculiar to Canada.
ceremony a social custom or polite ritual. [2/4 definitions]
common law law based on custom or usage and on court decisions and opinions, rather than on statute. (Cf. statute law.)
convention a practice or way of doing something that is accepted by most people; custom. [1/2 definitions]
conventional put in place by custom or use; traditional.
customary done as a custom; usual.
custom-built built specially for particular individuals; custom-made.
debenture a certificate issued by a custom house authorizing the refund of tariffs paid on imported goods that are re-exported. [1/2 definitions]
de rigueur (French) required by fashion, custom, etiquette, or the like.
desuetude the state of a thing, practice, or custom that has ceased to be used or followed; disuse.
extinct no longer practiced or observed, as a custom. [1/3 definitions]
folk dancing the activity of dancing to the traditional music of a particular region using steps that have been established by custom.
forbidden proscribed, as by law or custom; not allowed; prohibited. [1/2 definitions]
form conduct guided by convention, regulation, custom, or standards of politeness. [1/16 definitions]
formality adherence to ceremonious custom or standards. [2/5 definitions]