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blotter a book used to record daily events or transactions, esp. those pertaining to law enforcement. [1/2 definitions]
board meals served daily, usually for pay. [2/8 definitions]
breviary in the Roman Catholic Church, a book containing the hymns and prayers necessary for the daily devotions of the clergy.
child-rearing the process of raising children, including taking care of their daily needs as well as actively or indirectly instilling values in them.
civil of the daily activities of citizens as opposed to those of religious or military groups. [1/3 definitions]
daily dozen (informal) a set of twelve or more calisthenic exercises that are performed daily.
daven to recite a daily prayer or prayers of the Jewish liturgy.
day-to-day occurring daily; routine. [1/2 definitions]
daywork work that is completed and paid for on a daily basis, such as the work of a housecleaner.
diary a daily record of a person's experiences and thoughts. [1/2 definitions]
diurnal occurring in or pertaining to a day or each day; daily. [1/2 definitions]
Dow Jones industrial average trademark for the index of prices of thirty industrial stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange and averaged daily.
everyday happening daily; routine. [1/2 definitions]
getaway a period of relaxing away from daily cares, or a place, such as a cabin or resort, for doing so. [2/5 definitions]
journal a written record of a person's experiences, thoughts, or daily events.
Kaddish an ancient Jewish prayer recited during the daily service. [1/2 definitions]
log1 a daily record of a trip by a ship or plane. A log keeps records of speed, distance traveled, and any important events. [1/5 definitions]
newspaper a publication, usu. daily or weekly, containing news, editorials and advertising. [1/3 definitions]
per diem a daily allowance, esp. for expenses. [2/3 definitions]
Ramadan the daily fasting from sunrise to sunset during this month. [1/2 definitions]
ration (pl.) fixed daily supplies, as of food to an army; restricted provisions. [1/5 definitions]