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Dictionary Suite
all right unharmed or undamaged, or free of the risk of harm or damage; safe. [1/5 definitions]
alright all right; unharmed or undamaged, or free of the risk of harm or damage. [1/4 definitions]
amends (used with a sing. or pl. verb) payment or compensation given to repair or satisfy damage, injury, or loss.
antioxidant a substance that repairs oxidative damage in cells. [1/2 definitions]
aphasia partial or total loss of the ability to use or to understand spoken or written language, usu. as a result of damage to the brain.
apraxia a disorder that prevents certain complex muscular movements, caused by damage to the brain.
armyworm any of various caterpillars that travel about in great numbers, usu. inflicting heavy damage on crops and grass.
award to give on the basis of a legal decision, as a damage payment or the like. [1/4 definitions]
bang up to damage or injure, as in a collision.
bark beetle a small weevil, the adults and larvae of which burrow under the bark of conifers and other trees to feed on the inner bark, often causing great damage.
batter1 to hit hard again and again in a way that causes harm or damage.
blemish to damage or spoil the perfection of. [1/3 definitions]
bodywork the activity or process of repairing damage done to the exterior of a motor vehicle. [1/3 definitions]
boll weevil a small beetle with a gray body and a long snout. It lays eggs in the seed pods of the cotton plant where they hatch and cause much damage to crops.
bombproof impervious to damage or destruction by conventional bombs.
brain damage damage to the brain that impairs function.
brain-damaged having or pertaining to brain damage.
break to damage something so that you cannot use it. [2/4 definitions]
bruise to wound or damage without causing a break in the skin or bone. [1/3 definitions]
bumper the heavy bar on the front and back of a vehicle. A bumper protects the vehicle from damage.
burn to hurt or damage by too much heat. [1/4 definitions]