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Dictionary Suite
accursed having been made the subject of a curse; damned. [1/2 definitions]
anathema a person or thing condemned or damned. [1/3 definitions]
blasted damned (used as a mild oath). [1/2 definitions]
confounded (informal) damned (used as a mild expletive). [1/2 definitions]
damn accursed or unworthy; damned. [1/11 definitions]
damnation the act of damning or condition of being damned. [1/2 definitions]
darn2 (informal) used as a mild form of damned or cursed; darned. [1/4 definitions]
darned (informal) damned or cursed in a mild way; darn. [1/2 definitions]
doggone (informal) damned. [2/4 definitions]
reprobate beyond hope of salvation; damned. [1/4 definitions]