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acorn squash a variety of winter squash with a ridged acorn shape and dark green skin.
African violet any of several related tropical plants, very popular as houseplants, that have fuzzy dark green leaves and bear violet, pink, or white flowers.
against in contrast with, esp. dark on light. [1/5 definitions]
arbutus an evergreen tree or shrub of the heath family having broad dark green leaves and bearing clusters of pink or white flowers and small strawberrylike fruit. [1/2 definitions]
aubergine the British word for eggplant, a plant grown for its dark purple, oval fruit. Aubergine is eaten as a vegetable.
Australoid (outdated; no longer in scientific use) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of members of a human racial group originating in Australia, the Pacific Islands, and areas of southern and central India, generally characterized by dark skin and dark curly hair. [1/2 definitions]
aye-aye a nocturnal lemur found in Madagascar that has shaggy dark brown fur, a long bushy tail, large ears, long clawlike fingers, and strong rodentlike teeth.
azalea a shrub with dark green leaves and brightly colored flowers.
badger a furry mammal with short legs and a long body. The American badger has a white stripe on its forehead that runs down its back, and it has long dark marks on its face also. Badgers eat worms, rodents, rabbits, and plants. Different kinds of badgers live in Europe, Asia, and North America. They are related to skunks, otters, and other kinds of weasels. [1/2 definitions]
balata a tropical American tree with dark red wood that yields a latex sap. [1/2 definitions]
bald eagle a large eagle of the United States and Canada that is dark brown with a white head and tail. Bald eagles have a wingspan of about seven feet.
bar code a set of dark bars on a light background printed on the labels of goods and mail. A bar code is scanned by a computer that reads information such as price.
barn swallow a small insect-eating bird with dark blue and tan plumage and a deeply forked tail, that often nests in barns and similar structures.
barred marked by dark crosswise stripes, as the feathers of a grouse or other bird. [1/3 definitions]
basalt a dark, heavy rock that is created by lava flowing from volcanoes.
beauty spot a tiny dark mark or patch applied to the face or shoulders, esp. by a woman to accentuate the fairness of her skin. [2 definitions]
bedim to make dim, dark, or obscure.
beet a dark red root that people eat as a vegetable.
Bibb lettuce a variety of lettuce with a small round head of loose, tender, dark green leaves.
bilberry any of several woody wild or cultivated North American plants that produce edible dark blue berries. [1/2 definitions]
Bing cherry a variety of sweet, dark red cherry.