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abreast in full awareness; up to date (usu. fol. by "of"). [2/4 definitions]
advised up-to-date, as on plans or developments; informed. [1/2 definitions]
Algonkian the Algonkian Period, or the rock formations that date from that time. [1/4 definitions]
anniversary the date each year that is the same date on which a wedding or other important event happened. [1/2 definitions]
antedate to affix an earlier date, as to a document or event; predate. [2/3 definitions]
Archean the Archean Period, or the rock formations that date from that time. [1/2 definitions]
ask out to invite (someone) to go out on a date.
au courant in the current (French); knowledgeable about current events or other matters of the moment; up-to-date.
b. abbreviation of "born," brought into life by birth or in like manner (used to indicate the year or date of a birth).
backdate to mark with a date that is prior to the actual date; predate.
back order part of an order that will be filled at a later date.
balance sheet a financial statement of an individual's or business's assets and liabilities on a given date.
B.C.1 abbreviation of "before Christ." These letters are placed after a date that is earlier than the birth of Christ. [1/2 definitions]
birthday the day on which a person was born, usually celebrated each year on that date.
blind date a date arranged between two people who have been previously unacquainted. [2 definitions]
brush up on to bring up to date or review.
Cambrian the Cambrian Period, or the rock formations that date from that time. [1/2 definitions]
caption in law, the part of a legal document where the time, date, location, and authority of its execution are indicated. [1/4 definitions]
Carboniferous the Carboniferous Period, or the rock and coal layers that date from that time.
Cenozoic the Cenozoic Era, or the rock formations that date from that time. [1/2 definitions]
chapter 11 a provision of the U.S. Federal Bankruptcy Act that allows a company to reorganize and remain in business, provided it pays its current debts by a date set by a court.