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address to give attention to; deal with. [1/6 definitions]
-an a suffix that means one who works in or knows a great deal about. [1/2 definitions]
Aral Sea formerly, a very large, single lake in Central Asia. Once one of the world's largest lakes, the Aral Sea has lost a great deal of its water in recent times and it has divided into separate parts. The southeastern part of the Aral Sea has become entirely dry and is called a desert now.
artist a person who does something with a great deal of skill or talent. [1/2 definitions]
awkward difficult to use, deal with, or manage. [1/3 definitions]
blowhard one who talks and boasts about oneself a great deal.
bootleg to deal illegally in the making, conveyance, or sale of something. [1/4 definitions]
boycott to refuse to buy, use, attend, or deal with (a product, activity, business, or the like), usu. as a protest or means of persuasion. [1/2 definitions]
buck4 an object such as a buckhorn knife that was formerly placed before a player in a poker game to indicate the responsibility to deal.
CCC abbreviation of "Civilian Conservation Corps," the New Deal program in the U.S. (1933-42) that provided conservation work for the unemployed during the Great Depression, through activities such as constructing and maintaining buildings and trails for state and national parks.
Civilian Conservation Corps the New Deal program in the U.S. (1933-42) that provided conservation work for the unemployed during the Great Depression, through activities such as constructing and maintaining buildings and trails for state and national parks.
come to grips with to deal with directly; cope with. [1/2 definitions]
complicated hard to understand; difficult to do or to deal with. [1/2 definitions]
cope1 to handle or deal with in a successful way (often followed by "with").
cover ground to accomplish or deal with. [1/2 definitions]
crack down to deal with more strictly or harshly in order to enforce rules or requirements (fol. by "on"). [1/2 definitions]
crank (informal) an ill-tempered person; one who complains a great deal. [1/6 definitions]
crisis a situation that is difficult or hard to deal with.
croissant a roll in the shape of a crescent, usually made with a good deal of butter.
cross-grained (informal) stubborn or hard to deal with. [1/2 definitions]
dealt past tense and past participle of deal.