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argue to debate. [1/5 definitions]
argumentative given to argument, debate, or violent clashes of opinion, often without cause; contentious.
canvass to discuss or debate (an issue, question, or the like) thoroughly. [1/8 definitions]
cause célèbre any court case, issue, or controversy that arouses great public interest or debate.
cloture in U.S. parliamentary procedure, a method of ending debate and causing an immediate vote on the matter being discussed. [2 definitions]
contend to argue; dispute; debate. [1/3 definitions]
contention a point asserted in argument or debate. [1/3 definitions]
controversial subject to debate. [1/3 definitions]
controversy a disagreement; debate.
debatable open to debate or argument; doubtful.
debate a kind of competition between two people or two teams who disagree on particular issue or set of issues. Each side is given certain amounts of time in which they can talk and present their argument. When one side talks, the other side must be quiet. A debate like this is done in front of an audience. [1/4 definitions]
deliberative organized or convened to debate issues formally for the purpose of determining policy. [1/2 definitions]
disputant involved or participating in argument, debate, or dispute. [1/2 definitions]
disputation the act of disputing; discussion or debate. [2 definitions]
dispute to argue or debate about. [2/4 definitions]
forensic pertaining to, used in, or fit for public discussion or debate; rhetorical. [2/5 definitions]
impregnable1 absolutely secure, as a point or position in a debate. [1/2 definitions]
logomachy a debate or argument marked by the incorrect use of words. [1/3 definitions]
moot to present for debate or discussion; broach. [1/6 definitions]
outdebate combined form of debate.
peremptory in law, not allowing for debate or argument. [1/4 definitions]