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Dictionary Suite
cool (informal) quite acceptable, decent, fair-minded, or admirable. [1/15 definitions]
decency the quality, state, or condition of being decent. [1/3 definitions]
good guy (informal) the leading, and morally decent, character of a fictional story. [1/4 definitions]
immodest not decent in appearance or behavior; shameless. [1/2 definitions]
justice the upholding of what is fair, decent, and right. [1/5 definitions]
modest proper or decent, according to social conventions. [1/5 definitions]
moral (pl.) personal principles or habits of conduct that are guided by standards of right and wrong, esp. those habits or principles considered good, decent, and just within a society. [1/6 definitions]
nasty rude, mean, or hateful; not nice or decent. [1/3 definitions]
obscene offensive and not decent.
rank2 not decent; foul; disgusting. [1/3 definitions]
the salt of the earth a very good-hearted and decent person or group of people.