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algorism the system of numbering and calculating in Arabic numerals and decimals; decimal system.
decimal a number in the base ten system written with a decimal point. Money amounts are written as decimals. [1/3 definitions]
decimal fraction a fraction whose denominator is some power of ten, indicated by a decimal point before the numerator, such as .7, equaling seven tenths, or .015, equaling fifteen thousandths. (Cf. common fraction.)
decimal point a period placed between the units and the tenths in decimal numbers. It is used when writing money amounts to separate dollars and cents.
decimal system decimal classification. [1/2 definitions]
dot a decimal point or a multiplication sign. [1/5 definitions]
hundreds place in mathematics, the place three to the left of the decimal point of a number.
mantissa the decimal portion of a common logarithm.
ones place in mathematics, the place one to the left of the decimal point of a number.
repeating decimal a decimal in which one or more digits is repeated indefinitely; circulating decimal.
tens place the place two to the left of the decimal point in a number.