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abstain to choose not to take part in a decision. [1/2 definitions]
adjudicate to act as a judge; make a decision judicially. [1/2 definitions]
advice an idea or opinion offered as help in making a choice or a decision.
agree to come to an understanding or a decision with another person. [1/3 definitions]
appeal to request that a higher court change the decision of a lower court. [1/3 definitions]
appellate jurisdiction the power of a court to review rulings made by a lower court and potentially change the outcomes of a lower court's decision.
arbitrate to make a decision about or settle. [1/2 definitions]
arbitration the consideration and decision of an issue or dispute by an arbiter. [1/2 definitions]
artificial intelligence research in and development of computer programs that imitate human thought processes such as reasoning or decision-making.
award to give as a result of a legal decision. [1/3 definitions]
ballot to elicit a decision from (voters) by ballot. [1/6 definitions]
beatification in the Roman Catholic Church, the process of determining whether a deceased person should be declared to be in heaven and therefore deserving of special honor, or the final decision and declaration that this is so. [1/2 definitions]
be sorry to suffer the consequences; come to regret one's earlier action or decision.
change one's mind to make a different decision from the one made before.
choice a decision that you make about something you want. [1/2 definitions]
choose to make a decision or selection. [1/4 definitions]
close narrow, as of a decision. [1/23 definitions]
commit to promise to give a thing such as money or time or your own effort and to not change your decision to give it. [1/2 definitions]
conclusion a final decision. [1/5 definitions]
conclusive serving to reach a final answer or decision, or to settle.
conflicted having feelings about something that contradict one another, often making it difficult to make a decision.