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Armageddon according to the New Testament, the place where the final, decisive conflict between good and evil will be fought. [2 definitions]
beating a decisive defeat. [1/3 definitions]
clincher a decisive or final point, fact, or statement to persuade someone, as in arguing or selling. [1/3 definitions]
coup de grāce blow of mercy (French); a death blow or any finishing or decisive stroke or event.
crisis the point or moment just prior to a decisive and critical change. [1/2 definitions]
crucial of decisive importance; critical.
demonstrative providing proof; decisive. [1/5 definitions]
fatal having clear or decisive importance; fateful. [1/4 definitions]
final not to be changed; decisive. [1/4 definitions]
finality something conclusive or decisive, such as an act or verbal expression. [1/2 definitions]
finished fated or subject to decisive downfall, ruin, or death. [1/4 definitions]
massacre (informal) a decisive defeat, as in a game or sport. [1/4 definitions]
moment of truth any critical or decisive moment of testing, encounter, discovery, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
shoot-out a violent or decisive confrontation. [1/2 definitions]
the last straw the final, decisive defeat, failure, indignity, burden, or the like that causes collapse, exhaustion, the losing of one's temper, or the like.
the straw that broke the camel's back the final, decisive defeat, failure, indignity, burden, or the like that causes collapse, exhaustion, the losing of one's temper, or the like.
turning point a moment when a decisive change occurs. [1/2 definitions]
ultimate decisive. [1/9 definitions]
victory the final, decisive defeat of an enemy in a battle, war, or contest. [1/2 definitions]