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acanthus in architecture, a decoration resembling acanthus leaves, esp. at the top of a Corinthian column. [1/2 definitions]
amphora a tall oval ceramic vessel with a narrow neck and two handles, used in ancient Greece and Rome for storage or decoration.
appliqué a cut-out piece of material stitched or otherwise applied to another material as a decoration. [1/4 definitions]
balloon a small bag made of thin material that is filled with air or some other gas and used as a decoration or toy.
blouse a piece of clothing worn on the upper body, usually by women and girls. A blouse is similar to a shirt, but it may have more detailed sewing or more decoration, or it may be made of a fancier fabric such as satin or silk. A blouse is worn with either a skirt or pants.
border the strip around the edge of something. A border is used as a decoration on fabric or crafts. [1/5 definitions]
bow2 a knot that is easy to make loose, or a knot used for decoration. [1/2 definitions]
buckle a decoration that looks like a buckle, as on a shoe. [1/6 definitions]
button any of various small, usually round, fasteners which are attached to a garment and designed to slide through a slit or loop. They may also be used purely for decoration. [1/7 definitions]
camp2 the style of something such as clothing, decoration, art, or the like that is considered amusing because of its consciously pretentious showiness or outlandishness. [1/2 definitions]
centerpiece an ornament or decoration occupying a central location, esp. the center of a dining table.
chandelier a single light fixture that hangs from the ceiling and holds several lights. A chandelier is often used for decoration as well as for lighting a room. Some chandeliers are very large and found only in very formal rooms. Originally, chandeliers held real candles.
charm any small object to be worn on a chain as a decoration. [1/4 definitions]
chinoiserie (sometimes cap.) an intricate, elaborate style of decoration using Chinese motifs, esp. in eighteenth-century Europe. [1/2 definitions]
Chippendale of, pertaining to, or denoting an eighteenth-century English style of furniture marked by graceful lines and, often, rococo decoration.
crepe paper thin paper with wrinkles. Crepe paper is used for decoration.
crest a decoration displayed above the shield on a coat of arms. [1/4 definitions]
Croix de Guerre a French military decoration for bravery in wartime action.
curtain a piece of cloth hung in a window, archway, or other opening for decoration, to shut out light or to conceal something. [1/7 definitions]
cushion a pillow or pad that one sits on or leans on for comfort. Some cushions are used for decoration. [1/4 definitions]
decorate to serve as a decoration for. [1/5 definitions]