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blue baby an infant born with blue-tinged skin from insufficient oxygen in the blood, caused by a congenital heart or lung defect.
defective having a flaw or defect; not perfect.
deformity a moral or aesthetic defect or distortion. [1/3 definitions]
disability the condition or state of incapacity, esp. as caused by an injury, congenital defect, illness, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
fault a defect; flaw; weakness. [1/7 definitions]
faultless without blemish, fault, or defect.
flaw1 a fault or defect. [1/3 definitions]
frailty a fault or defect, esp. in one's moral character. [1/2 definitions]
freak1 a person or animal that is very different from what is considered normal, or that has a surprising defect. [1/3 definitions]
glitch (informal) a small problem or defect.
hemeralopia a defect of the eyes in which sight is normal in a dim light, but extremely poor in a bright light; day blindness.
idiot (outdated; no longer in scientific use) a person who is profoundly subnormal in intellectual development as a result of a birth defect, early illness, or severe injury. [1/2 definitions]
imbalance a defect in proportion or balance between elements. [1/2 definitions]
impediment a physical defect that hinders clear speech. [1/3 definitions]
imperfect an item of goods that contains a defect but still is considered usable and is offered for sale usu. at a lower price. [1/5 definitions]
infirmity a weakness or defect of morals or character. [1/3 definitions]
lisp a speech defect in which "s" is pronounced like the "th" sound in "thick" and "z" is pronounced like the "th" sound in "this". [1/3 definitions]
malformation faulty or abnormal formation, esp. in the structure of a living organism; defect.
myopia a visual defect in which distant images are focused in front of rather than on the retina; nearsightedness. (Cf. hyperopia.) [1/2 definitions]
-opia a condition or defect of vision or of the eye.
overcompensate in psychology, to try to correct a personal fault or personality defect by exaggerated antithetical behavior. [1/3 definitions]