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Ahura Mazda in Zoroastrianism, the supreme deity and creator of the world; Ormazd.
Allah the name of the supreme deity in the Muslim religion.
almighty having absolute power; all-powerful, as a deity. [1/3 definitions]
ascription a prayer or text in praise of or attributing glory to a deity. [1/2 definitions]
blaspheme to speak with disrespect or impiety of (a deity or anything sacred). [1/2 definitions]
consecrate to make or declare sacred; to dedicate to a deity. [1/2 definitions]
cult the rituals and observances of a particular religion, esp. those pertaining to a single deity. [1/4 definitions]
daemon a god or secondary deity. [1/3 definitions]
dedicate to declare (a monument, new building, special event, or act) to be in honor of a person or deity. [1/5 definitions]
divinity (often cap.) a deity or divine being. [1/4 definitions]
dryad (often cap.) in Greek and Roman mythology, a spirit or deity that presides over the woods; wood nymph.
faun a rural deity in Roman mythology that had the upright stance and upper body of a man and the ears, horns, and lower body of a goat.
god in various mythologies such as those of Greece and Rome, a being believed to have supernatural powers and therefore worshiped, esp. a male deity believed to control some part of nature or life in the world. [1/6 definitions]
hymn a song or poem of praise written esp. in exaltation of a deity, nation, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
icon a visual representation of a deity or sacred personage which is itself regarded as sacred, esp. in certain churches, such as the Russian Orthodox. [1/4 definitions]
idol a statue or image representing a deity and used as an object of worship. [1/3 definitions]
Indra the Hindu god of rain and thunder, and the chief Vedic deity.
libation the pouring out or away of a liquid to honor a deity, or the liquid so poured. [1/2 definitions]
manifestation a form that something, such as a deity, an idea, or a spirit, can assume. [1/4 definitions]
mean1 of a deity or fate, to intend (someone or something) for a particular purpose or end because of possessing special qualities. [1/9 definitions]
Moloch a deity in the Old Testament, esp. the pagan god of the Ammonites and Phoenicians to whom child sacrifices were offered. [1/2 definitions]