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at once now; without any delay.
beat around the bush to avoid or delay speaking about the most important matter.
defer1 to not do until later; put off; delay.
delay to linger or cause delay. [1/6 definitions]
demurrage the delay in loading or unloading a ship or other freight carrier beyond a previously specified time. [2 definitions]
detain to keep from going on; stop or delay. [1/2 definitions]
dilatory tending to delay; slow. [2 definitions]
Fabian employing a cautious strategy of delay, avoidance, or harassment rather than direct confrontation. [1/2 definitions]
filibuster to delay or impede (passage of a law) by filibustering. [1/3 definitions]
forthwith without delay or hesitation; immediately.
hang to delay or hesitate; be undecided. [1/17 definitions]
hitch1 a delay or obstacle; catch. [1/6 definitions]
hold1 an order to delay or reserve an item, action, or situation. [1/18 definitions]
hold off to delay or refrain from (doing something). [1/3 definitions]
holdup a stop or delay in the progress of something. [1/2 definitions]
hold up to stop or delay. [1/4 definitions]
immediate happening without delay; instant. [1/4 definitions]
immediately without delay; promptly. [1/3 definitions]
impatient unwilling to wait patiently or endure delay. [1/4 definitions]
impatiently with little willingness to wait or endure delay.
in a hurry without delay; quickly. [1/2 definitions]