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Dictionary Suite
beautiful delightful to see, hear, or experience; lovely to the senses; having beauty.
charming alluring, delightful, or very attractive.
delectable extremely pleasing; delightful. [1/2 definitions]
delicacy something delightful or rare, esp. food. [1/8 definitions]
dreamy (informal) delightful; wonderful. [1/4 definitions]
ducky (informal) excellent; delightful; fine.
Eden any delightful place or condition; paradise. [1/2 definitions]
Elysian perfectly delightful, happy, or blissful. [1/2 definitions]
glorious delightful; fine; wonderful. [1/4 definitions]
goody (informal; usu. pl.) something that is very pleasing, delightful, or desirable, esp. something sweet or delicious to eat. [1/2 definitions]
priceless very amusing, delightful, or absurd. [1/2 definitions]
the most (old-fashioned; slang) the most exciting or delightful; best.
treasure chest any place or thing that is rich with valuable, desirable, or delightful things or experiences. [1/2 definitions]
wonderland an imaginary place full of wonders or delightful surprises; fairyland. [1/2 definitions]