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amyloid a result of the degeneration of body tissue, occurring in the form of a hard waxy protein deposit. [1/3 definitions]
Automat trademark for a cafeteria where food is dispensed from small compartments with doors that open when customers deposit coins in the appropriate slots.
bank2 to deposit in a bank. [1/6 definitions]
blowfly any of various flies that deposit their eggs on carrion, dung, or the open sores or wounds of living animals.
calcify in physiology, to make or become bony or hard by the deposit of calcium salts. [1/2 definitions]
caliche a deposit of sand or clay in arid regions that is cemented by calcium carbonate and other soluble minerals.
cap rock the solid rock layer that is immediately over a deposit of oil, gas, salt, or the like.
CD2 abbreviation of "certificate of deposit," a document issued by a savings institution stating that the named person has a specified sum of money on deposit.
certificate of deposit a document issued by a savings institution stating that the named person has a specified sum of money on deposit.
certified check a check bearing the issuing bank's guarantee that there is enough money on deposit to cover the check.
checking account a deposit in a bank, credit union, or the like, against which checks may be written by the depositor. (Cf. savings account.)
debit card a card issued by the holder's bank used to pay for purchases or withdraw money by an immediate electronic debiting of funds on deposit in the holder's bank account, and often also allowing transactions at an ATM machine.
delta a deposit of sand and soil at the mouth of some rivers, esp. large ones, usu. in the shape of a triangle. [1/2 definitions]
demand deposit a bank deposit that can be withdrawn with no advance notice.
dendrite a crystalline mineral deposit that appears in another mineral or stone in a branching, treelike form. [1/2 definitions]
deposit a payment that is one part of all the money that is owed for something. A deposit is a first payment and the rest of the money is to be paid later. [1/7 definitions]
direct deposit a way of getting paid so that the money goes straight into your bank account. You receive a notice of deposit instead of a pay check.
egg sac the pouch or cocoon in which many types of spiders deposit their eggs. [1/2 definitions]
eluvium a deposit of soil, dust, or gravel caused by the weathering and disintegration of rocks, and usu. remaining at the site. (Cf. alluvium.)
FDIC abbreviation of "Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation," a U.S. governmental agency that insures deposits in member commercial banks up to a certain amount to protect the public against a bank's failure, and can act to prevent a bank's failure.
Federal Insurance Contributions Act a federal tax law requiring employers to withhold a certain amount from employees' paychecks or wages for deposit in governmental accounts that fund Social Security. (abbr.: FICA)