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amitriptyline a tricyclic antidepressant drug used to treat depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other mental disorders.
antidepressant any of various drugs used to relieve emotional depression and elevate the spirits.
antidepression combined form of depression.
blues (used with a pl. verb) a state of melancholy or depression. [1/2 definitions]
bowl1 a rounded valley or other geographical depression or formation. [1/6 definitions]
bust2 a period or condition of economic depression. [1/10 definitions]
CCC abbreviation of "Civilian Conservation Corps," the New Deal program in the U.S. (1933-42) that provided conservation work for the unemployed during the Great Depression, through activities such as constructing and maintaining buildings and trails for state and national parks.
chill causing discouragement or depression. [1/16 definitions]
Civilian Conservation Corps the New Deal program in the U.S. (1933-42) that provided conservation work for the unemployed during the Great Depression, through activities such as constructing and maintaining buildings and trails for state and national parks.
crater a bowl-shaped depression with a raised rim, such as the mouth of a volcano or geyser, or the circular depressions on the surface of the moon, usu. with a mountain at their center. [2/3 definitions]
darkness depression, anger, or evil. [1/2 definitions]
dejection lowness of spirits; depression or melancholy.
dent1 a hollow or depression made in a surface by or as if by pressure or a blow. [1/3 definitions]
depressed experiencing psychological depression, a mood disorder characterized by pervasive sadness or hopelessness. [1/4 definitions]
depression (capitalized) an economic depression that affected the United States and other countries from 1929 to 1939. [1/4 definitions]
Depression glass glassware mass-produced, molded, and usu. colored during the Depression of the 1930s, and now considered a collector's item.
depressive of, related to, or characterized by psychological depression. [2/3 definitions]
diazepam a tranquilizing drug, first marketed as Valium, that relaxes the muscles and relieves anxiety and depression.
dimple any small dent or depression. [1/4 definitions]
doldrums a period or mood of inactivity, listlessness, or mild depression. [1/2 definitions]
dumps (informal) a mental state characterized by unhappiness and mild depression.