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carpool an arrangement among a group of automobile drivers, such as employees at the same workplace, to take turns driving each other to and from a common destination. [1/3 definitions]
come in to arrive at a destination. [1/4 definitions]
cruise to travel, esp. in a ship, for pleasure, the destination being of secondary concern. [1/5 definitions]
cut to traverse something, usu. in order to reach one's destination as quickly as possible (usu. fol. by "through" or "across"). [1/25 definitions]
deliver to send or bring (something) to an intended destination or recipient. [1/9 definitions]
door-to-door from point of origin to point of destination or return. [1/2 definitions]
drift to wander without purpose or without particular destination. [1/11 definitions]
El Dorado a legendary South American destination of early Spanish explorers seeking gold and riches. [1/2 definitions]
express of transportation, making few or no stops before the destination; rapid. (Cf. local.) [1/8 definitions]
for used to indicate the purpose, aim, or destination of an action. [1/13 definitions]
get to to arrive at (a destination), or to travel to and arrive at (a destination). [1/5 definitions]
head to move toward a certain destination or in a certain direction (often fol by "for"). [1/19 definitions]
home to aim automatically toward a target or destination. [1/16 definitions]
homing involved or concerned with guidance to a target or destination. [1/2 definitions]
hoof it (informal) to walk quickly to reach a destination.
Internet protocol address a unique numeric address assigned to an individual computer or other device in a network, used to route data to a destination; IP address.
label a slip of paper or cloth tag that bears information as to the contents, destination, owner, or use of something to which it is attached. [1/7 definitions]
lost not knowing where one is, or not knowing how to get to one's intended destination. [1/6 definitions]
navigate to make one's way; find the correct path to a destination or goal. [1/7 definitions]
navigation the act or practice of setting a course for or finding one's way to a destination, esp. by ship, aircraft, or other vehicle; the act or practice of navigating. [1/4 definitions]
one-way permitting or concerning travel to a destination but not back to the place of origin. [1/3 definitions]